December 10th is National Lager Day!
Posted by Beer Bitch in Other Oddities on December 10, 2011 10:15 am / no comments
Here is another thing to drink to on December 10th – it is National Lager Day.
Random Lager Beer Facts
- A lager is brewed with bottom-fermenting yeast while ales are brewed with top-fermenting yeast
- Lagers require a cooler temperature (42 – 55 F) than an ale to ferment
- Lager yeast grows slower than ale yeast (about twice as long)
- A few lager styles include Pilsners, Bock, Doppelbock, Oktoberfest, American Lite Lager
- 9 of 10 beers consumed around the world are lagers
- Lager means “to store” in German
- Color has nothing to do with the beer style – a lager can be any color
- Lager flavors typically come from the ingredients, not the yeast strain
- Lagers cost more than ale’s to produce, but store and ship better
A Few Lager Beers to Try
- Yuengling – Light Lager
- Odell – Woodcut No. 4
- Guinness – Black Lager
- Anything from Metropolitan Brewery
Glassware for your Lager Beer
Cook Dinner with your Lager Beer
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Tags: Lager, Light Lager
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