Almost every home has a shaker pint.  The glass was originally designed for use with a metal cup to act as a cocktail shaker.  You can see the shaker pint in use as it was originally designed at any bar featuring one of those pesky mixologists.  The shaker pint does little for beer.  The glass dissipates rather than concentrates aromas.  However, I will say it is better to get the beer in this glass than stay in a bottle which is a fact often overlooked.

The shaker pint has become the herpes of beer glasses because they are cheap.  They are easy to produce, stack well, clean well and easy to drink from.  This glass was adopted by craft brewers at some point in the 1980’s and just stuck.  Many breweries sell souvenir versions of shaker pints, and collecting them can become quite a hobby.  I have an every growing collection of these that has taken over the dining room.

I recommend using a shaker pint for the following beers:

  • Anytime all you have is this glass
  • American Light Lager
  • American Amber Ale
  • American Red Ale
  • American Wheat Ale
  • American Amber Lager






  1. […] Shaker pints are nice.  They are practical, cheap, and available with every logo possible.  But what if you are looking for something unique and different?  Take your drinking experience to a new level with one of these glassware choices: […]

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