Archive for: Food and Fun

White Castle Adding Beer to the Menu

White Castle Adding Beer to the Menu

White Castle, known for their low-cost sliders is adding beer and wine to their menu.  The test run in Lafayette, Indiana is know as Blaze Modern BBQ and is a combination of White Castle and a BBQ restaurant.  I had to  call to find out what... read more »


Beer Brats

Beer Brats

I came home the other day to find that Small Time Drinker brought a six-pack of Busch.  Whoa, what the heck was going on here! Good thing I realized summer is upon is- it is time for brats.  Small Time Drinker featured a post on Frying Pan... read more »


Beer + Ice Cream = Beer Cream

Beer + Ice Cream = Beer Cream

I needed a desert for a meal the other day.  To be honest I did not feel like baking which is my default.  I was feeling lazy.  I happened to read over the weekend about all these breweries making beer ice creams.  I once enjoyed Edmund... read more »


Book Review: The Best of American Beer & Food by Lucy Saunders

Book Review: The Best of American Beer & Food by Lucy Saunders

Anyone who reads this site quickly knows that I like food and beer pairings.  One of my go to resources is The Best of American Beer & Food by Lucy Saunders.  I feel this is a must buy for the recipes it contains.  The book has two main... read more »


Glassware: The Basic Rules

Glassware: The Basic Rules

The most basic rule to drinking beer is get it out of the bottle.  I do not care if you drink beer from a mason jar, a shaker pint or martini glass.  Pouring beer will create a head.  Even if this head vanishes instantly it creates aromas.... read more »