Even though your bar or restaurant is having a soft opening does not mean you should not be trying to blow your customers minds.  I know I know you have a lot on your plate, but this is your chance to make a huge first impression.  I am trying to be nice and not bad mouth a place that I have yet to purchase anything at, but here is the story.

There is a street festival going on right now.  In the middle of that festival is a brand spanking new bar on a perfect corner.  They are having a soft opening.  Great space room for lots of taps, but only offering two-bit beer available anywhere.  Food items are also short listed.  Heard lots of people saying things similar to, “guess we might have to give them a few more months.”  Personally, I walked out.  For a place already well past its expectation date you would think your “soft-launch” in the middle of a street festival would of been a little more put together.  Especially when one of the neighbors your competing with for beer customers is named Hopleaf.




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