Hopefully you notice the new layout.  If your having problems seeing text or anything else please feel free to leave me a comment.    If you are on Twitter you should check out my the new layout over there http://twitter.com/verysmallbeer and don’t forget to follow me.

As you can see above, I have also added a beer index.  You can use that list to see what I have reviewed and link directly to the article.  I will try to keep it alphabetized to make things easy on you.

Posts will follow a weekly pattern with each day having a theme.  The schedule is as follows:

  • Next Monday “Tough Topics” will return.
  • On Tuesday a short series of posts focused on craft beer memories will debut and run for about a month.
  • Wednesday will feature beer reviews.
  • Each Thursday I will be taking a look at the businesses that make, sell and serve beer.
  • Friday will have a series of topics on entertaining with beer.  The first few months will cover glassware and serving issues followed by recipes and parings etc.
  • Saturday and Sunday will be kind of a hodgepodge of topics that do not make it into the regular weeks posts.  However, some weekends I may not post at all, because well I’m drinking beer.
I have written several weeks worth of posts for some of these topics so I am confident I will be able to keep up.

Please feel free to drop me a line in the comments section to add your thoughts to a particular post.  I hope you all have enjoyed what has been posted in the past and enjoy what the future brings.  Happy New Year!





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