At this time all articles have been transfered to the new system.  I expect there to be a few dead links and formatting issues I apologize for this.  I will spend the next week or two reformatting each of the old articles in my free time.

I am really excited about what is coming up with this site.  The new format will allow me to post more than once a day without pushing things so far down the page it is forgotten.  Also, it will allow me to hit on multiple story types in the same day.

Whats next?

  1. Reformat Homepage to a reader friendly environment.
  2. Allow for a quick or breaking news section on developments in the beer industry.
  3. Create better interlinking of articles to allow a reader to learn more.
  4. Reintroduce advertising in a non-invasive way.  I would prefer to be ad free but I do have hosting and design costs to cover.

The old blog format still exists at

Thanks for reading and I hope the changes I make are beneficial to you.  Cheers!



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