A little while ago I bragged about Pintley, a beer app that allows you to track the beers you like, recommends new beers for you to try, and provides basic information about the beer and your fellow drinker’s options and ratings.  Well the Pintley developers have been doing more than just drinking.  They have rolled out a new version as well as an app for the Android market.  Small Time Drinker beta tested the Android app, so I knew changes were coming but it was still nice to receive the email blast letting me know it had arrived.

In Pintley’s email blast, the announced the new features included:

  • Drink Tracking and Check-ins
  • Points System and Monthly Prize Giveaways
  • Integration with Facebook, Twitter, and Foursquare
  • News Feeds, Friends, and Messages

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  1. […] is my problem with Pintley.  Although I was excited about Pintley it just does not work to track beer that is homebrewed or […]

  2. […] The integration with ratebeer.com and the simplicity make this app shine.  After searching and selecting a beer, a detail page appears with the beer name, brewery, location, style and ABV.  The detail page also provides information from ratebeer.com including the beer rating score, number of ratings, and a link to the website for more information.  A few people commented in the app’s reviews that it needs to offer more information such as descriptions and parings.  My thoughts are if you want something more complex, may I suggest Pintley? […]

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