Erin Doland over at the website Unclutterer publishes a weekly feature on her site called “unitaskers”.  She wants you to laugh at how they ridiculously clutter your life.  While many weeks she has some of the stupidest I have items ever seen, occasionally, one has a place in the world.  This weeks feature is the Sküüzi.  The Sküüzi is a mitten and koozie rolled into one.  While Ms. Doland sees the item as useless, I see a place for it in many people’s lives.

The Sküüzi not only wraps around the beer, but also has a bottom preventing a beer from slipping out.  Without knowing this thing existed, I actually suggested a friend should make this a few months ago.  We have all been at tailgates and cold weather drinking occasions.  There are two options when drinking in the cold:.   1) have a cold hand or 2) wear a glove and risk the beer slipping out and crying over spilled beer.

While Ms. Doland is correct that the beer will stay cold, the Sküüzi does appear to solve the grip problem.  Any of my readers ever have one of these?  How did it work with a glass?  Leave a note in the comments and don’t forget comments made in January enter you to win a hat!






  1. GLBCMAS says:

    Wonder why they don’t sell a matching mitten for the other hand? That would be the only way I want one.

  2. Beer Bitch says:

    This would be perfect for the 2012 Day of the Living Ales in Chicago on March 3rd. Tickets are not on sale yet, but you can find more information here:

    You can also read a review of last year’s event:

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