Open It! Beer Review: Knot Stock by Furthermore Brewing
Posted by SmallTimeDrinker in Open It! on May 1, 2011 1:13 pm / no comments
Knot Stock is not exactly that special of a beer, but I felt like it was unique enough to get a mention during Open It!. This American Pale Ale has an addition of black pepper along with its Northern Brewer Hops. Furthermore Brewing describes the black pepper and hops the combination as a “tangle of flavors.”
Tasting Notes:
Knot Stock poured Amber and created a two finger head which was followed by some nice lacing. Aromas of citrus and black pepper hit the nose and are matched with the same flavors. The malt balanced the hops and the black pepper nicely. This beer is on the spicier side, but with the medium body it is drinkable if you like black pepper.
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Tags: American Pale Ale, Furthermore
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