Another in the Series based off of the book 1001 Beers You Must Taste Before You Die (1001 (Universe)).

I stopped by Odell when I went out to Denver, and was successful in bringing a couple bottles of the IPA back.  The IPA has eight hop additions using a specially designed hop back.  A hop back is a tank acting like a strainer to assist in adding additional hop flavor.  The bottle explains that the beer is an Americanized version of of an English IPA.  Not sure if that matters.  Most beers in the U.S. are an Americanized version of some beer somewhere, but I digress.

Tasting Notes:
Poured a nice thick foamy head, with bubbles coming to the surface.  A fruity aroma.  Citrus on the tongue and very herbal in quality.  Finishes dry and lingers on your palate.


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