New Glarus sells very small batch beers from their Hilltop Brewery Beer Depot called the R&D series.  This series is composed of beers the brewery is considering making, and looking for customer feedback.  I find this idea thrilling that a brewery is actively looking for feedback on potential beer.  Currently, the only R&D series for sale is their Golden Ale.  My only complaint is the series has no information on their website and no direct way to give feedback, although I am told they scout out opinions on blogs and message boards for feedback.  One suggestion I have is postcard attached to the bottle at point of sale may encourage customer feedback.  Postcards are not a necessity as beer folks love to post their opinions on the internet.  A webform would result in the same kind of situation by allowing more direct feedback.  I think breweries should always look for different ways to interact with customers and differentiate themselves.

Tasting Notes:

Poured into a tulip glass, Golden Ale was a cloudy golden color with thick white head and moderate lacing.  There were aromas of horse blanket (an acquired taste) and orange peel.  Brettanomyces sourness and malt on the tongue with very subtle hops. This beer had a very dry finish.  Although this was a tasty beer I felt the flavor came and went in a flash.  A more concentrated flavor would have satisfied me even more.
Final Note: Keep up the R&D!
Bottled 6-18-09; Purchased 3-25-11; Drank 3-27-11; Poured at 46F





  1. […] I was a bit disappointed when readers seemed uninterested in New Glarus R&D Golden Ale.  Here is a brewer doing extremely small test batches and asking for feedback.  We do not see […]

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