Wine Drinkers and Beer
Posted by SmallTimeDrinker in Other Oddities on December 16, 2010 3:13 pm / no comments
This months Wine Enthusiast Magazine, contained their list of the top 25 beers of the year. I find it striking that they take the time to review beer, and apparently do it on a regular basis. When was the last time you picked up All About Beer or Draft Magazine and saw a five page spread on something that was not beer? I took some time to go through the list, and it is diverse: light/ dark/ American/ Czech/ Belgian and covers a variety of beer styles. Unfortunately, I can only claim to have had eight of these brews.
We in the beer community get very focused on our beer. Now I am a huge beer fan obviously, but Sunday nights I usually have a glass of scotch. When I cook a fancy dinner for someone it usually requires a bottle of wine, and I keep a cocktail recipe book right next to my beer books. I am not suggesting the magazines above change their format, and I will likely not change my format. However, I do think it is important to remember there are a lot of people out there who just dabble in craft beer. Dabbling is not a bad thing; it is certainly important enough for Wine Enthusiast to make it an article, and why arn’t you dabbling in something besides beer?
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