Kona’s Pipeline Porter is the last beer I drank as part of the Open It! online event.  This beer is my brother’s favorite beer, and when I went to Vegas I brought him back a six pack as an early Christmas gift.  He was pretty blown away, he expected just one, lonely single bottle.  Pipeline is a highly regarded Porter and only has a limited bottling run each year.  Coffee flavors in this beer are not just from malt, but also from 100% Kona coffee that is added to each batch.

Tasting Notes:
Poured a deep brown into a Pipeline Porter shaker pint and a nice tan head formed.  Strong coffee aroma with malt and chocolate behind it.  Coffee also dominates the flavor profile of this beer.  The malt brings a nice sweetness and there is no bitterness from the coffee as one expects.  A very smooth beer with nice carbonation and balance.  Definitely worth picking up given the chance.


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  1. […] Disney soon, don’t worry you can find plenty of beer.   Small Time Drinker fell in love with Kona beer while staying at the Polynesian hotel.  We were also able to score a round of green beers on […]

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