Can you have too much of a good thing?  Apparently the State of Ohio cannot get enough of Yuengling’s beer.  Distribution was a phased plan with releases in the Cleveland and Columbus areas in the beginning of October and a release to the Toledo, Dayton, and Cincinnati area at the end of October.  Demand for Yuengling in Cleveland is double the predictions resulting in a delay for the Dayton release.  The Mill Creek brewery stepped up production to 24 hours a day 5 days a week to 24/7.  Yuengling also has a brewery in Tampa, Florida to accommodate the Southeastern United States’ demand.

Yuengling Lager, Light Lager, and Black & Tan are the only varieties currently available in Ohio.







  1. […] in Featured on November 6, 2011 12:26 pm / no comments Bottle distribution of Yuengling to west Ohio has been delayed, but you can find it on draft.  As of 1:30 on Sunday, October 6 the following bars reported having […]

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