Tough Topic: Beer As A Business
Posted by SmallTimeDrinker in Other Oddities on April 4, 2011 9:43 am / 1 comment
Alright-you should be sitting down for this: Beer is business.
It has become more and more obvious that breweries are big money makers. Sales at places like Dogfish Head and Allagash have increased so much that in order to meet demand they shrunk their distribution territory. Goose Island became such an attractive investment that it sold to Anheuser-Busch. The price of a pint is no longer under $5 and a six pack is hovering around $9. Analysts predict the craft market will account for 20% of beer sales within ten years from the roughly 5% it is now. Some breweries are doing all they can to get customers in the door, but others are just praying they can keep up with demand. Furthermore the idea that craft beer is a community in my opinion is on very shaky ground.
The Tough Topic series found here on Mondays will begin to take a much deeper look at some of what is going on. Next week I will examine the deeper implications of the introduction of lawyers into breweries. Other topics to be examined include beer writers, labels, definitions, trade secrets and community.
I know many of you are probably thinking today’s post is not that hard hitting. I am throwing a softball here because so many people are just not convinced craft beer is a business. Many have commented this week that Goose Island sold out, but in reality who wouldn’t? I know not everyone would, but if a publisher offered me a million dollars for this blog I would probably quit my job, finally write a book and drink all day. I have seen more than one person screw someone over in this community and it is about time we start talking about this. It is not personal-just good business.
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Tags: Business
[…] by SmallTimeDrinker in Tough Topics on April 11, 2011 9:49 am / no comments As I discussed last Monday everything connected to beer is a business. What type of business depends on your relationship […]