Open It!

Hercules Double IPA by Great Divide Brewing Co.

Hercules Double IPA by Great Divide Brewing Co.

I picked up Hercules Double IPA when I was in Denver, and this has been lurking in the back of my fridge.  I decided that Open It! was the right time to bring that bottle to the front. Tasting Notes: Hercules poured amber with a medium white... read more »


White Rajah by The Brew Kettle

White Rajah by The Brew Kettle

The third beer of the Open It! weekend was White Rajah by The Brew Kettle in Strongsville, Ohio.  White Rajah IPA was not exactly a beer that I was saving for a special occasion, but rather just never seemed to get too.  The moment never seemed... read more »


Old Chub by Oskar Blues

Old Chub by Oskar Blues

Welcome to my first blog post reviewing beers as part of Open It!.  Open It! is about opening beers that have been sitting on a shelf waiting for a special occasion.  This weekend is that special occasion. Old Chub is a Scotch Ale by Oskar... read more »


Open It Weekend

Open It Weekend

This weekend is Open It Weekend.  I first heard about this event from Pencil and Spoon.  Any beer drinker has bottles of stuff he or she has been saving for a special occasion.  The idea behind Open It is that now is that special occasion.... read more »